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Filter Block


The Filter Block is a quick, straightforward tool for presenting a list of pages or files as links. The list can include descriptive text and images when displayed.

The Filter block is one of Titan’s list blocks. At its simplest, it can function just like a Table of Contents. At its most complex, it will automatically display a list of pages, files and events based on user-provided keywords and tag selections. Driven primarily by the tags definition in Titan, this block is a powerful and easy way to automate dynamic, in-context navigation on pages. The resulting filtered list can include short or long teaser text and teaser images when displayed.

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MPS One-Column Style Filterblock with teaser text and image

MPS 1-Column

This page has examples of filter blocks using the MPS 2-Column style.

MPS 2-Column

This page has samples of filter blocks using the MPS 2-Column Style.

MPS 2-Column By Row

This page has samples of filter blocks using the MPS 2-Column By Row Style.

MPS 2-Column Icons

This page has samples of filter blocks using the MPS 2-Column Icons Style.

MPS Alphabetical Grouping

This page has samples of filter blocks using the MPS Alphabetical Grouping Style.

MPS Title on Top of Image

This page has samples of filter blocks using the MPS Title on Top of Image Style.


District Webmaster: Tim Remshak
Phone: 414-475-8805

Schools Webmaster: Renea Drews
Phone: 414-475-8012

© Milwaukee Public Schools 2021
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