What are some reasons you would use this block?
- Standard website Frequently Asked Questions page
- Link to multiple headings on longer pages
- Can be used for anchor type of navigation
What are some features of FAQ blocks?
- Each question is programmed as a link to the answer, no need to create the link
- Easily add, edit, using the Freeform editor
- Ability to reorder your questions and answers
- Apply bullets and numbering
- Link to internal or external links, documents, or an email address
- Add graphics to your FAQ block using the Image Picker
How do I update block attributes?
- Go to your training page
- Create a new Freeform block with “Contact Us” information
- Enter contact information into the block
- Close the Freeform editor and select Edit Block attributes from the Block Action Bar.
- When the Block Properties window displays, select the Block Zone “Right.”
- Click “OK” and update your block
- Preview your change
- Publish your page